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How to become a member

Become a Member

Membership enquiries are welcome. Membership may be applied for using the application documents on this page. Both full membership and associate membership models are available under differing conditions and upon acceptance of EUnited Statutes, Internal Rules and Code of Conduct.

Membership fees are based on European sales turnover. Please contact us for more details about membership for your organisation.


EUnited is expanding both in terms of the memberships in existing sectors, and is also open to new sectors.  If you would like to discuss membership or the opening of a new sector under the EUnited umbrella, please contact our Membership Coordinator, Ólafur Björn Ásgeirsson.

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 27 06 84 21
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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© 2024 Eunited aisbl, Bruxelles