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Technical Matters

Welcome to the Technical Committee Of EUnited Cleaning

One of EUnited Cleaning's central concerns includes technical matters, such as European legislation or international standardisation. On the following pages, you will find a wide array of relevant and detailed information pertaining to manufacturers of commercial cleaning machines and the association's activities.

The Technical Committee is the EUnited Cleaning association’s technical advisory forum on international standardisation, European directives and technical developments.  

The Environmental Committee is the EUnited Cleaning association’s technical advisory forum on environmental legislation and developments. 

Experts among EUnited Cleaning members meet twice a year to discuss current issues and give guidance to members on specific topics in form of technical recommendations and position papers. If necessary, the Technical and Environmental Committee give policy advice to the Board for future strategies regarding those issues. Each EUnited Cleaning member is allowed to nominate a delegate to each committee. 

EUnited Cleaning also established working groups to work on specialised topics such as a cleaning efficiency label for scrubber driers and high pressure cleaners.

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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