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Tenax International is the first company worldwide to completely focus on the production, distribution and service of environmentally friendly 100% electric street sweeping equipment.
The company headquarters are located in Rio Saliceto – Reggio Emilia (Italy), has a modern production plant right in the middle of the “Motor Valley” area, the heart of the Italian top range automotive industrial sector, with a highly advanced manufacturing infrastructure for electric, electronic, pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanic parts and components.
The company produces a wide range of 100% electric street sweepers and street washers.
Get In Contact

Tenax International S.p.A
Via Balduina, 3
42010 Rio Saliceto
EUnited - European Engineering Industries Association,
BluePoint Building, Boulevard A. Reyers 80, , 1030 Brussels, Belgium, +32 27 06 84 21
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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