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With the experience gained over more than 50 years, WashTec develops innovative solutions for the high-quality, cost-effective cleaning of vehicles.  Laying claim to what is by far the largest installed machine basis in Europe, along with a complete product portfolio and its own area-wide service network with more than 600 of its own service engineers, WashTec is the market leader in terms of innovation and profit in the car wash industry. A comprehensive product range, our high-quality production and our consistent customer orientation combine to make WashTec the leading partner in the carwash business.

Get In Contact

WashTec Cleaning Technologie GmbH
Argonstr. 7
86153 Augsburg
(+49 821) 55 84-0
EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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