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Cleaning News 

25 October 2021

EUnited Green Cleaning - New scrubber dryer test format in 2022

In consultation with members of the EUnited Cleaning Technical Committee Working Group 04, it is now confirmed that the current EUnited Green Cleaning test for scrubber dryers will be updated.

The main change to the test is the use of new tile. Furthermore, the group has discussed the inclusion of ride-on scrubber dryers in the scope and will conduct initial testing until their next meeting.

In addition to the modification to the scrubber dryer test, the format for the scrubber dryer labels will also change. Old versions of the Green Cleaning labels can only be used until 1st July 2022. Afterwards only the new label which is already available can be used to label a certified machine.

Members should note that any labels in the older format will not be valid anymore after 1st July 2022.


For more information about the upcoming modifications to the scrubber dryer test and labels, please contact Frederik King (


EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
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