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27 January 2022

New EUnited Cleaning position statement: Outdoor Noise Directive

This month, EUnited Cleaning has published an updated statement concerning the Outdoor Noise Directive. The statement is now available here after it was discussed with the EUnited Cleaning Technical Committee Task Group OND.


The statement outlines EUnited Cleaning’s concern that the definition of “Equipment Nr. 46” as “Power Sweepers,” is misleading due to the assessment not considering earlier studies and reports when developing this definition.


The statement points out how earlier relevant publications such as the ODELIA study clearly differentiate between Power Sweepers and Road Sweepers.  The ODELIA study concludes by renaming the definition as "Road Sweepers and include other types of sweepers for outdoor use and street washing machine.”


The statement provides further details about how safety standards can be used to differentiate between the definitions “Road Sweeper” and “Power Sweeper.” A list of relevant standards is provided in the statement.


The statement also stresses EUnited Cleaning’s position on the recommendation of the ODELIA study to leave high pressure water jetting machines in Article 13.


The statement concludes with a reemphasis on EUnited Cleaning’s concern about products which should not belong in the scope of the Outdoor Noise Directive falling nonetheless within the directive’s scope. Furthermore, the statement stresses the importance of the ODELIA study in defining “Equipment Nr 46.”


Members can contact Frederik King ( for more information.

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
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