August 2015 | Robotics
Support Scheme for SMEs to Participate in Selected Trade Fairs
Under the RockEU Coordination Action, a financial & organizational support scheme to bring SMEs to trade fairs will be carried out for the...
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July 2015 | Robotics
ICT Innovation: SMEs Make Best Use of EU Research Funding
Based on the European Commission's in-house science service report, Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are champions of EU research programmes: they deliver...
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June 2015 | Robotics
New Study Confirms: Use of Robots Fuels Growth and Productivity
EUnited Robotics position: Often cited Osborne/Frey study lacks significance
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June 2015 | Robotics
Eurobarometer Survey: 70% of Europeans Think Robots Steal People's Jobs
European Commission regularly conducts surveys among European citizens to get in-depth views on the public opinion. In 2012, a so called Special...
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June 2015 | Robotics
VDMA Takes on ING-DiBa's Study About Robots and Jobs
"Worries about a future where robots snatch people’s jobs away are unfounded. Humans and robots are a winning combination. Even sensational reports to the contrary cannot blind us to this fact," says Patrick Schwarzkopf, Managing Director of the VDMA trade association Robotics + Automation and Director of EUnited Robotics, at the annual press conference in Frankfurt.
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June 2015 | Robotics
European Robotics Challenge (EuRoC)
EUnited Robotics contributing to the review process of EuRoC
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May 2015 | Robotics
ECHORD Plus Plus - Second Call for Proposals Now Open
The Second Call for Experiment Proposals and the Call for R&D Proposals for Public end-user Driven Technology Innovation (PDTI) in the Healthcare...
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May 2015 | Robotics
Robots Out of the Cage - What Role Should EU Policy Play?
EUnited Robotics at a roundtable discussion with the European Parliament.
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