March 2019
RobMoSys second open call waiting for your application
Submission deadline extended to May 7th, 2019. RobMoSys is an EU based project aiming to develop a European ecosystem for open and sustainable industry-grade software development in Robotics. To reach this goal, the RobMoSys project offers coaching and funding to external partners over the runtime of 6 to 12 months – depending on the instrument you apply for.
The Second RobMoSys Open Call focuses on:
- Industry-Driven Ecosystem. RobMoSys defines a model-based ecosystem of assets and services to help the robotics industry improve their software/system engineering practice. We look for proposals that create this ecosystem and demonstrate, with real industrial cases, your own success story.
- Towards a Strong RobMoSys Community. We call for expert groups willing to be coached by members of the RobMoSys core consortium, in order to implement the RobMoSys concepts. Successful applicants must be ready to advance the RobMoSys way of thinking and to go for real world examples in line with the RobMoSys industrial pilots (developed by the RobMoSys core consortium).
The call offers three different funding instruments, with instrument #1 being the most interesting one for industry.
Instrument #1: Fast AdoptionWith this instrument, RobMoSys wants to boost a fast adoption of the RobMoSys approach in industry. It focuses on SMEs and small teams in large industrial companies, target groups ranging from software component suppliers to robotics system builders. The funded ITPs must develop RobMoSys-conformant pilots (industrial case studies) based on existing assets (software and tools from the RobMoSys ecosystem), or provide software components conformant to the RobMoSys pilots.
Instrument #2: Ecosystem ChallengesThis instrument aims at strengthening the RobMoSys ecosystem with in-depth developments on the RobMoSys baseline (models, tools, components, architectural patterns). Submissions of ITPs must fit one or more of the following technical topics:
- ROS 2 and Model-Driven Software Development
- Functional composition inside components
- System level composition / safety
- System level predictability of properties, Navigation
- System level predictability of properties, Manipulation
- OPC UA Robotics
- Open topic
Instrument #3: Innovation Expert IntakeThis instrument looks for proposals from legal entities offering expert services in order to push innovation and strengthen the RobMoSys community. Applications can focus on supporting the RobMoSys Academy or the RobMoSys technology. Herewith, experts must be willing to familiarize themselves with the RobMoSys approach, to actively participate in technical workshops, to meet with RobMoSys partners in their labs, to contribute to the RobMoSys community building, or involvement in specific ITPs.
Summary of main information per instrument

The open call will close on April 30, 2019.
RobMoSys Demo and information Days:
To find out more about the open call and the benefits of the RobMoSys approach for your company, we would like to invite you to the
RobMoSys Demo and Information Days in Barcelona. The
RobMoSys Demo Day (April 11th) and
RobMoSys Information Day (April 12th) will both take place in Barcelona, at the same location as the Advanced Factories Expo
At the RobMoSys Demo Day, our ITPs (Integrated Technical Projects) from the first Call are going to demonstrate concrete examples of their developments during the past 12 months with us. Learn more at: At our Information Day, we will outline the funding opportunities within the RobMoSys project for industry, research organisations, universities, SMEs and individual experts. Further information at: is free but mandatory. Please see the websites above to register for each day.