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October 2014

Henrik. A Schunk on German TV - ARD Tagesschau

The Deutscher Maschinenbaugipfel (German Mechanical Engineering Summit) is one of the most important annual gatherings of high-level politicians and industry leaders, thus a perfect magnet for the media and press. This year's summit, held on 20-21 October 2014 in Berlin, focused on future perspectives for Germany's key industries.  Important topics were discussed, like Industry 4.0, free trade, value-based manufacturing, as well as additive manufacturing - what is possible today.  It was in the context of additive manufacturing that Henrik A. Schunk, managing partner of Schunk GmbH & Co. KG and chairman of EUnited Robotics, was featured on the Tagesschau, the news program of German TV's ARD channel.  Click on the link below to watch the clip.

Additive manufacturing is an umbrella term for procedures which realize components directly from construction data files without the detour of tool and mold construction. Since the erection of three-dimensional structures happens layer by layer, this allows for production of highly complex components which could not be produced so far.  Additive manufacturing (sometimes also known as 3D printing) has received a large amount of press in recent months and is set to have a large impact on the way future products are made, increasing the opportunities for innovation and lowering the cost of entry into the business of making things. 

About the company Schunk
Schunk is the worldwide compentence leader for clamping technology and gripping systems. Schunk combines the features of a family-owned company, a renowned technological leader and a global player, all in one.  

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