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September 2014

Upcoming Call for Robotics (ICT-24-2015) Plus Factories of the Future Calls

Information and Communications Technologies (ICT-24-2015)                                                                              

The priorities in this call are based on input from the Public-Private Partnership in Robotics, also building on the results of previous calls.  The input comes from the Strategic Research Agenda of the PPP that is publicly available on:; its content results from continuous consultation of the whole European robotics community.

Planned Opening Date:  15-10-2014 
Deadline Date: 14-04-2015 17:00 (Brussels local time)

Total Call Budget:  €561,000,000
Main Pillar:  Industrial Leadership

The scope of this call consists of:

- Research & Innovation Actions to advance key technologies relevant for industrial and service robotics:  €47 million
- Innovation Actions: Technology transfer - Industry-academia cross-fertilisation:  €12 million
- Innovation Actions: Technology transfer - Robotics use cases:  €12 million
- Pre-commercial procurement in robotics:  €5 million
- Coordination Actions: Community building and Robotic competitions:  €4 million

For further details regarding this call as well as the submission process refer to:

The results for ICT23 call (closed on 24 April 2014) will be communicated by the EC on 23rd September.
154 proposals have been submitted. We are investigating an analysis of the call, including how many proposals have been accepted and how the industrial participation is in that share. The results will also be discussed in the SPARC Partnership Board meeting on 14th October. Avaiable budget for call ICT23 is € 57 mio for Research & Innovation Actions, € 12 mio for Innovation Actions (Technology transfer - Robotics use cases) and € 5 mio for Pre-commercial procurement in robotics (were we already found out that there had been no applications!) 

ICT Proposer’s Day

Registration is now open for the ICT Proposer’s Day which will take place in Florence on 9 and 10 October.
Focusing on the ICT topics in the 2015 work programmes (including the Robotics and ‘Factories of the Future’ 2015 call) the event will provide both an opportunity for networking and for learning more about the topics.
Networking will be organised along the distinct themes of Horizon 2020 where project ideas can be presented while booths will be provided to serve as meeting points. Participants can arrange to meet in advance of the conference.
Information sessions on proposal preparation will also feature in this event. The European Commission will provide topic information stands while a general ICT information desk will also provide additional information.
Participants will have the opportunity to take part in networking sessions and advice sessions.

Factories of the future upcoming calls (H2020-FoF-2015) - seven in total

Planned Opening Date:  22-10-2014
Deadline Date:  04-02-2015, 17:00 (Brussels local time)
Budget:  €143,170,000
Main Pillar:  Industrial Leadership

For more information and further details refer to:

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
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