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December 2019 | Robotics

Approval of the European Commission 2019-2024

The von der Leyen team voted into office by the European Parliament. On 27 November during the plenary session in Strasbourg, a large majority of members of... read more

December 2019 | Robotics

European Commission's workshop on AI testing and experimentation facilities for smart manufacturing

Member States, experts, companies, and Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) meet in a workshop organized by DG CNECT on 16 January 2020 to discuss... read more

November 2019 | Robotics

Economic downturn affects robotics and automation in Germany

The German robotics and automation sector cannot escape the economic slowdown in the mechanical engineering industry: For 2019, the industry expects sales to... read more

November 2019 | Robotics

International Symposium on Robotics (ISR) - Call for Papers

Submission deadline: January 13th, 2020   You are invited to submit your abstract for the 52 International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020)... read more

August 2016 | Municipal Equipment

New "Blue Guide" on the implementation of the EU products rules 2016 published

In the OJEU C272 of 26th July 2016, the Commission published the ‘Blue Guide’ on the implementation of the EU products rules 2016. The... read more

April 2017 | Municipal Equipment

Manufacturers welcome the supplementing legislation to Stage V engine emission Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 published today

Manufacturers welcome the supplementing legislation to Stage V engine emission Regulation (EU) 2016/1628 published today Industry develops a joint Q&A... read more

16 April 2018 | Cleaning


PDF Full Press Release  Jakarta, 16 April 2018 EXPO CLEAN & EXPO LAUNDRY 2018 concluded with a successful note last month, bringing together... read more

June 2017 | Robotics

European Commission's response to European Parliament's resolution on civil law rules on robotics

Three months after the EP's resolution, the EC has released its first official feedback.  A response that exercises caution. There are very few... read more
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