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May 2020

EUnited's response to Covid-19 pandemic

As Covid-19 is rapidly leaving its mark on European economies, the impact is felt on our member companies and on our sector. EUnited acted quickly early on by sending a letter to EU President von der Leyen on March 27th, outlining a number of steps to ease the burden on European manufacturing industries.

Furthermore, EUnited is committed to keeping member companies informed on the currect situation, therefore weekly written briefings have been disseminated to members providing updates on actions taken at a national level (per EU country), as well as at the European level (by the EU and the EC).  These weekly briefings have been accompanied by regular web-calls providing a platform for EUnited’s network of members to share experiences. Discussions mainly focus on aspects of business continuity and production during this pandemic and the varying measures across the EU. These web-calls are also an opportunity for members to ask for clarification on the weekly briefings and to make suggestions as to how EUnited can respond in order to support them.

As Europe is now very much in the deconfinement phase, the pace of introduction of new rules and regulations has decreased dramatically. As a result of this deceleration in specifically COVID-19 related measures at EU and National level, EUnited has moved to decrease the regularites of these briefings.  EUnited will, however, continue to monitor these measures very closely. 

The briefings and the web-calls are available and open to all interested EUnited members. If you would like to be added to the list to receive this information please contact Fariba Khatami (

EUnited AISBL- European Engineering Industries Association,
Industrious Brussels EU District, Avenue des Arts 6-9, 1210 Brussels, Belgium, +32 490 57 57 65
Transparency Register number: 0289344948-82
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