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August 2018

Conclusion of EuRoC project's four-year journey

In 2014, a consortium consisting of the leading robotics companies and research institutions in Europe launched the European Robotics Challenges (EuRoC), a 4-year program aimed at developing competitive solutions to keep the European manufacturing industry’s global leadership in products and services.  To fulfil the objective of the project, EuRoC consisted of three industry-relevant challenges in the scenarios of 1) Reconfigurable Interactive Manufacturing Cell, 2) Shop Floor Logistics and Manipulation and 3) Plant Servicing and Inspection. All three challenges were launched in an open call framework aimed at involving whole supply chains and fostering collaboration among application experts, technology suppliers, system integrators, service providers and potential end users.

The finalists of the challenge, following a three step selection process, were invited to take part in automatica fair 2018. Coordinator Prof. Dr. Bruno Siciliano explained to the  journalists at the automatica main press conference the essence of the biggest project on the challenge ever funded in Europe.  Prof. Siciliano concluded "EuRoC has successfully reached its goals, yet the challenge related to technology transfer obviously goes on …"

Please refer to the YouTube channel

containing the final videos of the EuRoC project:

  • The project in a nutshell (3min)
  • The vision, the facts, the figures (6 min)
  • The voices of the finalists (23 min)

Therein, you will also find two other videos providing an overview of the EuRoC project at the automatica Fair in Munich with the Main Press Conference, the demos of the six finalist challenger teams at the booth, and the Award Ceremony of the EuRoC Winner.

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