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July 2020

German Presidency of the European Council - Work Programme

On 1 July 2020, Germany took over the six-month Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The priorities of Germany's presidency are driven by its motto: "Together for Europe’s recovery". Federal Minister for Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier presides over a number of Council formations and uses the Presidency to closely coordinate economic policy initiatives with Germany’s European partners.

Among other topics, the Work Programme acknowledges the potential and value of digital sovereignty and to this end they want to ensure that Europe has state-of-the-art skills in the field of European technologies. Therefore, the German Presidency will commit toward developing measures to harness the potential of AI. The Programme specifically mentions that in the following 6 months it intends to work toward a responsible and "human-centric" use and development of AI.

The presidency programme focuses on six main areas:

  • overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic permanently, as well as the economic recovery
  • a stronger and more innovative Europe
  • a fair Europe
  • a sustainable Europe
  • a Europe of security and common values
  • a strong Europe in the world

You can read the complete Work Programme HERE.

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