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September 2020

New Roadmap for U.S. Robotics

Every four years a Roadmap for U.S. Robotics is published. 2020 is the year for the latest edition published on September 9th, titled "A Roadmap for US Robotics - From Internet to Robotics", introduced by Henrik Christensen, Director of the Contextual Robotics Institute at the University of California San Diego, at the RIA Robotics Week.

The 90 page report is organized and sponsored by a consortium of U.S. universities and created from robotics experts' research papers and various workshops. 

The roadmap lists seven societal drivers to consider when planning for the future of U.S. robotics: manufacturing, logistics and e-commerce, transportation, quality of life, clinical healthcare, food supply, and security and rescue. It also outlines the obstacles and what research is still needed to address those obstacles. Special attention is given to the growth seen in the utilization of robotics in recent years, specifically in manufacturing environments with regard to human-robot collaboration. 

The roadmap dedicates a small section specifically to COVID-19 and how it has affected the robotics sector, or the societal drivers of the robotics sector. Here, five major areas where robotics can be useful in combating COVID-19 are covered: deep cleaning, rapid manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, and telepresence.

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