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June 2020

Technology Transfer Experiment open call for healthcare robotics

Application deadline: July 15, 2020.

Digital Innovation Hub Healthcare Robotics (DIH-HERO) is an independent platform that connects Digital Innovation Hubs across Europe to create a sustaining network for all those who are active in the healthcare robotics sector. The project started in January 2019 funded by the EU. Its consortium consists of 17 core partners spread across 11 pan-European countries. DIH-HERO offers companies involved in all topics related to healthcare robotics, especially SMEs, funding opportunities to demonstrate and trial their solutions as well as offering access to technical and business services to help speed up the go-to-market process.

Technology Transfer Experiment Open Call for Healthcare Robotics

An essential aspect of the development of a pan-European network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Healthcare Robotics is the Technology Transfer Experiment Projects, aimed to stimulate the transfer of technology from outside and create new links inside the value chain, enabling the societal & economic impact.

Click here for more information about the call.

Application deadline is July 15, 2020.

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